
About TRAK

Founded in 2004, our mission at TRAK is to provide those with a wide range of disabilities a “whole” treatment of mind, body, and soul through physical, occupational, nutritional, and speech-language therapies provided with therapeutic horseback riding and other animal assisted therapies. All therapies and counseling will be provided in an atmosphere with an underlying Christian influence where God can be recognized as our ultimate physician. We are here to fill the commission given to share the good news of the gospel and to heal the sick.


 “There is nothing better for the inside of a person than the outside of a horse.”

– Will Rogers



by John Anthony Davies

I saw a child who couldn’t walk,

Sit on a horse, laugh and talk,

Then ride it through a field of daisies

And yet he could not walk unaided.

I saw a child no legs below,

Sit on a horse, and make it go

through wood of green

and places he had never been

to sit and stare, except from a chair.

I saw a child who could only crawl

Mount a horse and sit up tall

Put it through degrees of paces,

and laugh at the wonder in our faces.

I saw a child born into strife,

Take up and hold the reins of life

and that same child was heard to say,

Thank God for showing me the way.